Friday, February 10, 2017

I vow to you

On this day, I vow to you

To love, to care, and cherish too

Because this job is mine to do

With everything in me I’ll follow through

How? you ask after all this time

Shall I change my ways, and care for Kim

I don’t quite have an answer per say

Just a tiny voice from within

Which says to you, to me, to us

This long list of vows, let’s trust and Jump…

I vow to always love you, on the good days and the bad

If simply for the fact that I’m the only one you have

I vow to see through the rays of sun as blind as I may be

To see beyond what I thought was damaged, the one and only me

I vow to catch the rain drops for I will never let you drown

Although I cannot always stop the fall you’ll never remain curled up on the ground

I’ll pick you up and dust you off and tell you it’s okay

And if you find you’re feeling stuck I’ll help you find another way

I vow to speak more kindly and to stop the thoughts that starve

A precious life belonging to you which indeed you do deserve

I vow to keep the razor blades away from your dainty wrist

And if you feel you cannot fight the urge I’ll calmly tell you this

“It’s simply an emotion, a thought that disappears

And although it may hurt right now, please let me catch your tears”

I vow to never judge you for your imperfections or mistakes

Because like God I will love you just how you were made

I vow to make you take a break when stress starts rear its head

I will no longer allow you to spend bad days balled up in your bed

I vow to remind you every day that it was not your fault

And I’m sorry for what he did to you, that thoughtless misogynistic fuck

I vow to try and stop the images racing ramped through your head

Including the ones that tell you, that you’d be better off now dead

I vow to remind you it’s okay to set boundaries and you should not feel ashamed

And if others take offense to it they have only themselves to truly blame

It’s not your job to take care of the world although you wish you could

I admire you Kim for how much you give back in laughter and in love

I vow to not allow you to stick your fingers down your throat

Despite you wanting to be invisible you deserve to be seen on earth

I vow to never take for granted all the ways in which you are blessed

And take a look back at each God given moment knowing you tried your best

I vow to love you when you are weak and love you when you’re strong

And I vow to tell you because it’s true “Kim you do belong”

With every fiber of my being I will help you find your way

I will help you find from deep within a hidden but true strength

I vow to you, I indeed here pledge to let your voice be heard

And without anorexia I’ll allow you freedom like the flightiest of birds

I vow to protect and always to serve the child and adult within

I will fill that void for you, where your parents should have been

I vow to be patient while you accept yourself the way this poem has

I vow to do the work it takes to make it always last

In sickness and health, until death do us part

These are the words I speak from my heart

Be patient and kind we will make it through

These are some of the vows that I make to you

Will you accept me?

©Kim Edwards

February 9, 2017

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