The trending feat of selfies
is a highly controversial issue, while many have jumped on this band wagon and
posted pictures varying from artistic poses to risqué nudes like Kim
Kardashian, others are finding fault in the action as if it has anything to do
with them. When did my selfie begin to affect your life? And yet a better
question is how? Although certain photos can trigger negative emotions
depending on its content, we as a society must accept that we cannot be
protected by everything, and at the very least we should never expect to find
security when it comes to the internet.
I myself have created
many blogs, some of which I can no longer remember the password to. I have a
YouTube channel, Facebook, twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. I use all these sites
to post photos, quotes, blogs, poems and words of wisdom. Sometimes my main
objective really is just to bring a smile to someone else’s day, even if it
means making myself look like a fool. Many people only within
so many words have proceeded to call me conceited, but if they really knew my
story and the pain that I don’t post every day, I assume they would be ecstatic
that underneath the rubble I found something about myself that I appreciate,
even if it’s just my face or my outfit. I have yet to be discovered, but I
challenge anyone to keep me from trying. I believe I have talents some of which
are actually worth a pay rate. My voice has been silenced by a past that still
looms over me; and there was once a sparkle that shined. Thanks to the flash of
my cell phone I am re-discovering my beauty again. I use my photos and other
materials to boost my own confidence. One day I may post a nude selfie (mind
you that is highly unlikely) but because I am fighting the battle of an eating
disorder I hope my friends and followers would find it socially acceptable as
well as a big step in my recovery. It would be nice for us all not to feel
ashamed of our bodies, but as of now I am focused solely on my own. If it
really offends anyone, I with pride in myself and the things that I do
encourage you to unfollow me. It’s never my intention to make you feel
uncomfortable. And no offense, perhaps you should consider why it is you are so
bothered by the thousands of photos I have collected over the years.
Between all of the social
sites that are out there it is the expectation people will share their own
photos, stories or any other talents they may possess with an everlasting
audience, typically with the hopes of getting a few likes. What’s so wrong with
that? I believe if anything these sites have helped people besides myself whom
feel minuscule in this world finally have a voice. People are being found and
their stories are being heard. Talents, ideas, new ways of thinking are coming
to fruition all because of one single like. Although I don’t believe we should
base the importance of our existence on the number of shares we receive or
comments we gain, I do believe it is a healthy way to build confidence and for
what reason should anyone want to dim the shine someone has finally found in
Has anyone seen Little
Big shots? Steve Harvey is such an amazing host and is so wonderful with all
the kids on his show. Think about it though, just like on Ellen someone took a
risk by putting their child’s name on the grid, their face on the map, their
voice in the air. Probably not thinking much of it only to find out their child
has a broader field of opportunities that either of them could have ever predicted.
Yes, it is risky business to put yourself out there like that and we do need to
be cautious. We are potentially setting ourselves up for many things such as
stalking, or making something go viral before really thinking it through, but
we are also providing ourselves with opportunities to turn something we enjoy
doing into a career. A career! Growing up we put so much time and energy into
finding a good job. But if we are doing what we truly love, then it really isn’t
work. How fantastic does that sound? Don’t even get me started on the potential
health benefits that would lead to. Less stress equals a decrease in heart
attacks, anxiety which would decrease the amount of time people take off from
work; Therefore, allowing the government to spend money on so many other
things. Mind you that’s a whole different blog that I won’t get into today.
The main point in this
blog is to encourage people to continue showing off your talents, sharing your
stories, posting your photos. Most importantly be proud of yourself. It’s not
conceited, if anything it is actually very healthy. It means someone in your
life has made you feel important and worthy. If you find even a little bit of
confidence in what you post and the positive responses you receive, keep doing
you. It’s your life and the internet is your oyster. And Ellen, is the fish we all
pray will swim by and notice #dory. Good luck Selfie lovers, I dare you to
catch up to Kim Kardashian, she has an entire book! #confidence #bodyimage
#creativity #bewhoyouare #lovewhatyoudo
©Kim Edwards
April ,17, 2016